Membership renewal

Members can renew their existing membership (or subscription) up to 14 days before your renewal date by going to the BATC shop and choosing “BATC Memberships” or by clicking on this link

Please ensure you are logged in to site before renewing your membership or you will buy a NEW membership and not renew your existing one.

Note this option is NOT available in the shop until 14 days before your membership expires when we will send you an email to remind you that your membership needs renewing.

This page is the same page as used by people joining the BATC for the first time and so will ask you for the country where you live.  The next page will then offer a choice of membership levels – you can change your membership by choosing a different level at this point – you will then be sent to the BATC shop checkout page where you will pay for the membership.

  • If your membership has already expired you can still renew it for up to one year by going to the BATC shop and choosing “BATC Memberships”. After 1 year, all your data will be removed from the system and you will have to buy a new membership to rejoin BATC.
  • If you log in to the site and the membership page in the shop is not available it means your membership is not due for renewal yet – you can check your renewal date by going to this page: