Serit FTS-4334LV NIM / tuner module


March 2024

The new batch of Serit FTS-4334LV NIM are now available – Unfortunately Serit had to pay significantly more to secure the last stock of the STV0910a and the price of the 4334 NIM has had to be increased to £54 to cover this. Whilst this may seem a large increase, the 4334 NIM is still the only tuner guaranteed to receive DVB-S2 below 1Ms and to have frequency coverage down to 144MHz – even at this price it is still possible to build a DATV capable USB tuner for under £100.

The Serit FTS-4334LV tuner NIM module used on the USB tuner card for MiniTiouner project.  See for assembly instructions and project details.

Please note this is for the Serit FTS-4334LV tuner module only – it is not for the complete tuner kit and other components are required.


666 in stock

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SKU: 302 Category:


The Serit tuner NIM module is used on the USB tuner card for MiniTiouner and will tune from 143 – 2450 MHz meaning it can receive 146, 437, 23cms, 13cms (including the ISS) without a downconverter.

The FTS-4334LV is a drop-in replacement for the original FTS-4335 module which is no longer available.

Please note this is for the Serit FTS-4334LV tuner module only – it is not for the complete tuner kit and other components are required.  See for project details


Additional information

Weight .05 kg