BATC Advanced receiver board – blank PCB


This is the blank PCB for  BATC Advanced DATV receiver used in the  Winter Hill receiver project and will be used for the Ryde Mk2 receiver. (note the picture shows it populated with some SMD – these are not included on the PCB)

This is a large PCB at 120 * 160 mm and acts as a host for the Raspberry Pi4 and up to 2 Serit NIMs.

For more details see:



5 in stock

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SKU: 309 Category:


This is the BATC Advanced DATV receiver board used in the  Winter Hill receiver project and will be used for the Ryde Mk2 receiver.

This is a large PCB at 120 * 160 mm and acts as a host for the Raspberry Pi4 and up to 2 Serit NIMs.

For more details see:



Additional information

Weight .07 kg